"Dave" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:hj0h0b$3hs$***@speranza.aioe.org...
| In 1996, they were tricked by the nWo into thinking they were going to
| become members but were attacked as soon as they received their shirts.
| had been injured previously in a shoot-altercation with an intoxicated
| Hall and he had to retire due to this injury. Following Sags's retirement,
| Knobbs became a singles wrestler and entered WCW's hardcore division.
Scott Hall is skell. If he isn't drunk, he's doped up on pills. The second
TNA announced Beer Money versus Hall and Waltman, I twittered Dixie Carter
and advised her to have a backup team since Hall has a bad habit of no
showing or backing out. He did it once to TNA already. And guess what
happened at the PPV tonight? Hall pussied out leaving Waltman to hold the
bag with Nash. Backstage chatter put Waltman at not wanting to do the match
either, but apparently did anyway (this is the first PPV from TNA I have not
ordered since 2006. Besides the price increase the matches didn't seem
worth it).
Then there was the reaction of the 6 sided ring replaced with the 4 sided
one. It got booed. Hogan and Bitchoff pretty much gave the TNA fans the
finger and said "get used to the change." I don't know what Dixie is
thinking. Alientaing the fans is not the best idea.
It's only a matter of time before Hogan books himself and takes the
heavyweight title (ala Foley) and holds onto it forever.
I've never much cared for Bitchoff. And now they are seriously talking
about doing a live show on Mondays. TNA isn't ready yet. They started a
bunch of stuff on that live show some weeks back and have had very little
follow through, including Moore and Hardy. Hall and Waltman are junkies and
are not reliable and need to go.
And now "Anderson"? What happened to the new talent getting a decent push?
Raymond will be the first to say it, the main event was a screw job Russo