"Kevin Provance" <***@remove_tpasoft_remove.com> wrote in message news:4bc377ba$0$4970$***@unlimited.newshosting.com...
"Raymond Daley" <***@ntlworld.com> wrote in message news:T0Kwn.75147$***@newsfe28.ams2...
: I'm not always negative about TNA. Its only if they do something crap and
: that happens a lot more often than them doing anything good.
: Your loss though.
I also Twittered this NG to Dixie, Nash, Terry Taylor, JB and anyone else I
could dig up and let them know they should read our comments, since they
"care" about what thier fans think.
Well Kev both you and I know their Creative guys at least USED to read this
group or RSPW.
Else where else did they steal Lethal Consequences about a month after I
suggested they use it when I'd been suggesting it for at least 3 weeks.