TNA Wrestling: Best of 2009 (DVD) comments
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Raymond Daley
2010-06-03 01:16:39 UTC
Heres the list of matches in date order. I've taken the trouble of finding
my comments for each match from the catch-ups.

* Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett - TNA Genesis 1.11.09
Jarrett started this by just trying to beat the hell out of Angle, nothing
elegant or subtle, just pure unfettered violence. This was pretty dull until
Angle's bad landing on his ankle and Jarrett's even worse landing on his
head. Jarrett bladed under the colour desk and Angle did the same just off
camera on the entrance ramp a few moments afterwards and they knew this one
had to get done quickly as Jarrett had cut himself too deeply and was having
trouble seeing. The Angle Slam off the stage through the table pretty much
missed it and Jarrett took most of the fall onto the concrete floor and it
was shades of New Jack vs Vic Grimes in old ECW.

The simple fact that either guy (especially Jarrett) was able to go back to
the ring and continue shows how dedicated these workers are but I was
annoyed that we were really late into the match before anyone (for anyone
read West & Tenay) decided to mention this was a no DQ match. Jarrett made
the most stupid cover allowing Angle to make a roll over and take the win.

* AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Impact (Tables Match) 1.22.09
Styles was always going to be the better and more interesting worker here,
Angle made a great flub where he cut his hand closing a table to bring it to
the ring. The cameraman had bad positioning when Angle & Styles traded
punches showing Angles best hitting nothing but air. The same camerman
compounded his mistake a few minutes later by showing Styles flying forearm
also hitting nothing but air, they really need to fire this guy as he's been
f**king up quite a lot as of late.

I'm not sure if it was the same camera that no-sold AJ's Pele (no, that was
one of the guys at ringside so some of the blame there has to be placed on
the directors head and I hope he'll also be looking for a new employer after
this?) but after a decent match mainly run by Styles Angle took the win off
the Angle slam through the table. The post match beatdown was pointless and
Angle making his "end of TNA" speech is utterly pointless and stolen from
WCW's NWO era. And look how well that worked for WCW.

* Sting vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Impact (Empty Arena Match) 2.19.09
I'm not really sure if theres much point calling this match as there was no
referee so there was never going to be a winner or loser, technically its
not a match at all as with no ref and no starting bell it really doesn't
qualify. The main fight itself lasted for 4:11 before Angle started begging
for his life then Nash & Steiner broke it up briefly (and it was quite
clearly scripted though not rehearsed as you could see Steiner mouthing
Nash's lines) but Angle spitting into Stings face wasn't going to help and
it took the MEM security guys to keep them apart. Hopefully after 1 final
match between Sting & Angle this Main Event Mafia/Respect storyline will
finally be over and done.

*Sarita vs. Alissa Flash - TNA Impact 7.16.09
Flash is none other than Raisha Saeed aka Cheerleader Melissa getting a
chance to be out of her burkha for a change, Sarita is Sarah Stock from the
CMLL promotion now working for TNA. Flash was all power & Sarita was all
speed and high flying, this was actually a nice match. The suicide dive from
Sarita was good and they both worked outside the ring with Sarita bumping on
the floor mats & guard rail.

Sarita made a lovely springboard crossbody block but didn't have the weight
to get the pin however her flying armbar was outstanding! Flash in her
mannerisms and costume and moves really reminds me of Mschif (from SHIMMER &
ROH) which makes sense because the 2 have worked together before now. Sarita
took the eventual win off a VERY scrappy roll-through that didn't look like
it'd been practiced at all and Sarita definately hurt herself when she took
the backdrop onto the turnbuckle that hit her in the neck and back of the
head as she was holding her neck after the match

* Homicide vs. Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs.
Daniels -TNA Bound For Glory (Ultimate X) 10.18.09
D'Angelo Dinero had travelled to the PPV & was due to appear in this match
but had "family problems" which meant TNA did Creative on the fly turning
the preshow tag match into a qualifying match for this bout to replace
Dinero and then some.

This was a good match, Red hit a Hurricanrana on Daniels off the top
turnbuckle taking him to the ground. I'm pretty sure Suicide hurt himself
taking Homicide off the ropes as he took a hard nasty looking landing, Red
was a bit too obvious in his signals to both Suicide & Daniels to get them
to come to him to perform spots though. It was also pretty obvious when
Daniels checked Sabin was ready before nailing him with the BME, both
Daniels & Suicide took a long fall that sent one of the refs in to check on
them before Amazing Red unhooked the belt to retain his X Division Title.

* Sting vs. AJ Styles - TNA Bound For Glory 10.18.09
Before this match rumours had abounded that this would be Stings final match
for TNA as he was retiring, by the time the bell went this was only ever
going to be a maximum of 20 minutes long. After several spots it became
pretty obvious that both Sting & Styles were really enjoying this match as
they both kept grinning wildy at each other, Sting was even polite enough to
hold open the ropes for Styles after he was sent to the floor.

Styles nailed a lovely Enzuigiri on Sting leading to a near fall but Sting
came back with a couple of nice Bulldogs, Styles sold a really high looking
Backdrop off Sting like crazy before hitting a great Dropkick. Both guys got
a taste of guard rail missing Splashes on each other with Styles interupting
Earl Hebners count to allow Sting time to get back into the ring, Sting got
a near fall himself off a Piledriver but by this time the match was
backwards & forwards between both guys as to who was on top and closest to
Styles took 2 successive Scorpion Death Drops kicking out of a pin but Sting
went for the Scorpion Deathlock which Styles managed to get out of but he
came VERY close to tapping out, Styles then really sold a Clothesline for
all he was worth only just kicking out of the pin that followed it. After
nailing Sting with a Headbutt Styles took a nasty tumble off the top
turnbuckle before connecting with The Pele off the apron which Sting
certainly wasn't expecting but Styles made a Springboard Splash to take the
win to retain his title.

It took 3 different microphones before Styles was able to talk to Sting
postmatch, it had been mooted that if Sting lost he was going to retire.
Sting did a pretty decent job of putting Styles over and passing the torch
with the fans chanting "please don't go" and "1 more year" but he was pretty
cryptic about if he's retired or not. I guess we will have to wait until
this weeks Impact to find out if Booker T actually is going or not, likewise
for Sting.

* Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Turning Point 11.15.09
This was too slow & far too boring, sadly all complaints I'd made about
Nigel McGuiness in his past in ROH which he doesn't seem to have learnt
from. All this slow mat c**p & technical wrestling might be over with the
Japs but it has no place in modern sports entertainment, Kurt Angle took the
eventual win off a submission when Wolfe tapped out. Now THAT is a s**t
finish, I wouldn't have given this away for free on Youtube, let alone
Impact or a PPV.

* AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels - TNA Turning Point 11.15.09
Extremely boring until about the last 10 minutes, Styles took the win off
the Springboard 450 Splash on Joe to retain his title.

I'm sure if pushed to read every catch-up I've written for 2009 I could find
better matches than most of these to put on a "Best Of" dvd as most of these
were utter shit.
2010-06-03 08:31:13 UTC
Raymond Daley wrote:
| Heres the list of matches in date order. I've taken the trouble of finding
| my comments for each match from the catch-ups.
| * Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett - TNA Genesis 1.11.09
| read West & Tenay) decided to mention this was a no DQ match. Jarrett made
| the most stupid cover allowing Angle to make a roll over and take the win.

Sounds like CM Punk crawling in to Hell's Gate.

| * AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Impact (Tables Match) 1.22.09
| Styles was always going to be the better and more interesting worker here,

Angle might miss a Moonsault better than most, but Styles is TNA.

| * Sting vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Impact (Empty Arena Match) 2.19.09
| I'm not really sure if theres much point calling this match as there was no
| referee so there was never going to be a winner or loser, technically its
| not a match at all as with no ref and no starting bell it really doesn't
| qualify. The main fight itself lasted for 4:11 before Angle started begging
| for his life then Nash & Steiner broke it up briefly (and it was quite
| clearly scripted though not rehearsed as you could see Steiner mouthing
| Nash's lines) but Angle spitting into Stings face wasn't going to help and
| it took the MEM security guys to keep them apart. Hopefully after 1 final
| match between Sting & Angle this Main Event Mafia/Respect storyline will
| finally be over and done.

Angle again?

I saw this match. All I thought at the time was "What's the

| *Sarita vs. Alissa Flash - TNA Impact 7.16.09
| Flash is none other than Raisha Saeed aka Cheerleader Melissa getting a
| chance to be out of her burkha for a change, Sarita is Sarah Stock from the
| CMLL promotion now working for TNA. Flash was all power & Sarita was all

Seems interesting.

| * Homicide vs. Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs.
| Daniels -TNA Bound For Glory (Ultimate X) 10.18.09
| them before Amazing Red unhooked the belt to retain his X Division Title.

Was this for the ACTUAL X-Division Championship or just
possession of the belt?

| * Sting vs. AJ Styles - TNA Bound For Glory 10.18.09
| It took 3 different microphones before Styles was able to talk to Sting
| postmatch, it had been mooted that if Sting lost he was going to retire.

One incident with Triple H: "A billion-dollar company and we
can't get a microphone that works."

Another with Shawn Michaels talking about embarrassment: "A
microphone that doesn't work while I'm talking on national
television; THAT'S embarrassing."

| * Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Turning Point 11.15.09
| This was too slow & far too boring, sadly all complaints I'd made about
| Nigel McGuiness in his past in ROH which he doesn't seem to have learnt
| from. All this slow mat c**p & technical wrestling might be over with the
| Japs but it has no place in modern sports entertainment, Kurt Angle took the
| eventual win off a submission when Wolfe tapped out. Now THAT is a s**t
| finish, I wouldn't have given this away for free on Youtube, let alone
| Impact or a PPV.

Hey! I like that stuff, and I aint a Jap!

| * AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels - TNA Turning Point 11.15.09
| Extremely boring until about the last 10 minutes, Styles took the win off
| the Springboard 450 Splash on Joe to retain his title.

If I had not read the description of the Wolfe/Angle match, I
would have called you Willis and asked wuhjootalkinbout. I like
both styles but mostly the technical stuff so I always enjoy
matches with Styles, Daniels, and Joe.

| I'm sure if pushed to read every catch-up I've written for 2009 I could find
| better matches than most of these to put on a "Best Of" dvd as most of these
| were utter shit.

Too much Angle. I think he is one of the best wrestlers but TNA
should be somewhat biased with their TNA Best Ofs. I still see
Angle as WWE.
Raymond Daley
2010-06-03 13:38:12 UTC
Post by Deadline
| * Homicide vs. Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs.
| Daniels -TNA Bound For Glory (Ultimate X) 10.18.09
| them before Amazing Red unhooked the belt to retain his X Division Title.
Was this for the ACTUAL X-Division Championship or just
possession of the belt?
I used the word retain so I guess yes the gold was on the line .
2010-06-04 08:32:29 UTC
Raymond Daley wrote:
| > | * Homicide vs. Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs.
| > | Daniels -TNA Bound For Glory (Ultimate X) 10.18.09
| > | them before Amazing Red unhooked the belt to retain his X Division
| > Title.

Deadline wrote:
| > Was this for the ACTUAL X-Division Championship or just
| > possession of the belt?

Raymond Daley wrote:
| I used the word retain so I guess yes the gold was on the line .

A poster in the WWF group who was reviewing WWE and TNA shows
said that there were matches for the X-Division Championship, and
separate matches for just possession of the belt itself. I was
not watching TNA anymore at the time, so I am not sure if he was
just screwing with me.
